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Sudduth, K
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Conway, L
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Yost, M
Kitchen, N
Sudduth, K
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Determining Cropping System and Topsoil Depth Effects on Phosphorus and Potassium Nutrient Dynamics

Understanding the effects of fertilizer addition and crop removal on long-term change in soil test phosphorus (STP) and soil test potassium (STK) is crucial for maximizing the use of grower inputs on claypan soils. Due to variable topsoil depth, nutrient supply from subsoils, and crop removal across fields, accurate P and K fertilizer management can be challenging. Current Missouri fertilizer recommendations rely on a single buffering capacity for all soils throughout the state for P, and are only...

2. Topsoil Depth Influences Switchgrass Nitrogen Managment on Claypan Soils

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is an attractive forage or bioenergy crop option for eroded portions of claypan landscapes where grain crop production is marginally profitable. Topsoil depth to the claypan can vary widely within fields and little information exists on the impacts of the topsoil depth on nitrogen (N) management of switchgrass. Therefore, a study was initiated in 2009 at University of Missouri South Farm located near Columbia, MO on a site known as Soil Productivity Assessment for...