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Shapiro, C.A
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Miller, J.J
Giesler, L.J
Shapiro, C.A
Schepers, J.S
Glewen, K
Arneson, N.J
Spicka, S
Shapiro, C.A
Stewart, Z.P
Shapiro, C.A
Weber, R
Kranz, W
Grisso, R
Shapiro, C.A
Walters, D.T
Shapiro, C.A
Blumenthal, J.M
Benham, B.L
Ferguson, R.B
Hergert, G.W
Kranz, W.L
Stevens, W.B
Yonts, C.D
Shapiro, C.A
Kranz, W.L
Blumenthal, J
Yonts, C.D
Benham, B.L
Ferguson, R.B
Hergert, G.W
Waltman, W.J
Shapiro, C.A
Brandle, J.R
Wright, R.J
Lyon, D.J
Knezevic, S.Z
Francis, C.A
Sarno, E.A
Martellotto, A
Walters, D.T
Shapiro, C.A
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Filter results8 paper(s) found.

1. In-Field Determination of Anhydrous Ammonia Applicator Accuracy in Nebraska

Liquid and dry fertilizer applicators have been studied for their application patterns and precision. However, anhydrous ammonia (AA) applicators are generally considered less accurate. Due to the difficulty of calibration, actual application errors have not been documented. In order determine if AA applicators were delivering the intended application rate, a standard AA nurse tank was fitted with load cells, temperature, pressure, travel speed and travel distance sensors. Initial data from 55 farmer...

2. Effect of Tillage, Rotation, and Nitrogen Rate on Rainfed Corn Yield and Nitrogen Uptake

Determining the long term effect of tillage, rotation and nitrogen rate in typical cropping sequences is important in making sound agronomic decisions. In northeast Nebraska rainfall is the major deternlinant of yield. In 1956 a tillage study was initiated to determine the effect of tillage. rotation and nitrogen rate on corn and soybean yields. Spring plow. disk and no-till treatments were applied to continuous corn and co1-n follo\ving soybeans on a Kennebec silt loam. Five nitrogen rates (0. 36,...

3. Site Specific Nitrogen and Irrigation Management Across Nebraska Agro-ecological Zones

Nitrogen leaching below hrrow irrigated ground has caused nitrate contamination in Nebraska's groundwater. Alternate row irrigation and alternate row nitrogen fertilization is proposed as a method to decrease water use and decrease nitrogen leaching. Nitrogen was applied at a uniform and variable rates based on spring grid sampling for nitrate and soil organic matter. The experiment was conducted at three sites in Nebraska that represent a range of growing conditions. At these sites the average growing...

4. Site-Specific Nitrogen and Irrigation Management Across Nebraska Agro-Ecological Zones

Nitrogen leaching below hrrow-irrigated ground has caused nitrate contamination in Nebraska's groundwater. Alternate row hrrow irrigation and alternate row nitrogen fertilization is proposed as a method to decrease water use and decrease nitrogen leaching. Nitrogen (N) was applied at a uniform and variable rate based on spring grid sampling for nitrate. The experiment was conducted at three sites in Nebraska that represent a range of growing conditions. At these sites, the average growing degree-days...

5. Organic Farming in Nebraska: Establishing Organic Research for the Organic Farming Community

Four sites in Nebraska were developed to have land available to conduct research on certified organic land. All sites will be certified organic by the end of 2008. The goal of the project is to conduct research relevant to the organic farmi ng community and not to compare organic systems with conventional systems. Resear ch is being conducted on the use of flaming to control weeds, winter wheat variety development and selection for the organic market, variety testing of organic winter wheat, proso...

6. Evaluation of Crop Canopy Sensors as a Tool for Soybean Research and Production

Determining the variables that consistently increase yields in soybean  [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] continues to challenge researchers, agronomists and growers alike. Crop canopy sensors have emerged as a technology used in other cropping systems to monitor and manage agricultural inputs. The sensors measure reflectance in selected wavebands that are used to calculate vegetation indices that relate to unique leaf or canopy characteristics. The objectives of this study were to determine if a commercially...

7. Effect of Tillage, Rotation (Maize and Soybean), and Nitrogen Rate in a Long Term Study on Solvita, Water Extract, H3A Extract Values

A long term rainfed tillage/rotation/N rate study was established in 1985 on a mostly Coleridge silty clay loam (fine-loamy, mixed, superactive, mesic Cumulic Haplustoll). The study is a factorial of plow, disk, and no-till under continuous corn (Zea mays) and corn following soybeans (Glycine Max) with five nitrogen rates (0, 40, 80, 120, 160 kg ha -1). Soil samples were taken from all rotation/tillage combinations and three N rates in the fall of 2013 to 0.20 m (8 in). They were analyzed using the...

8. Carbon Sequestration: The Lack of Initial Measurement Could Bias Interpretation of Management Effect on Soil Carbon

Much research has been done in the last decades to determine the effect of management practices on the rate of soil carbon (C) seque stration over time. Generally paired fields are sampled and soil organic carbon (SOC) content under each manage ment system is determined. Conclusions about the effectiveness of different management systems in sequestering soil C are established based on the SOC difference and le ngth of the experiment. However, properly archived historic samples are often unavailable....