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NCSFC Proceedings 2023.pdf


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Abunyewa, A
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Abunyewa, A
Ferguson, R
Wortmann, C
Lyon, D
Mason, S
Tarkalson, D
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Filter results1 paper(s) found.

1. Skip-Row Configuration and Plant Density Effects on Sorghum Grain Yield and Yield Component in Southern Nebraska

Equal spacing of sorghum rows typically results in the highest grain yield when soil water is adequate throughout the season, but skip-row plan ting may be a means to reduce water deficits during reproductive growth stages. We evaluated the effect of skip-row planting configuration and plant population density on grain yield, yield components and water use efficiency at five locations in a transect across southern Nebras ka where annual mean precipitation ranges from 300 to 900 mm yr -1. Three row...