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Ferguson, R
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Dobermann, A
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Should We Abandon Soil Testing and Yield Goals in Estimating Nitrogen Rates for Corn

If the prices of corn and fertilizer-N and the shape of the N response function relating crop yield to the amount of fertilizer used are known, calculating an economically optimal N rate (EONR) for maximizing the net return to applied N is straightforward: the EONR is the N rate at which no firher increase in net return occurs. In most cropping systems and under common price scenarios, crop yield at the EONR is within 95 to 99% of the maximum yield obtained for the specific management package. In...

2. Management Zone Delineation Techniques to Aid In-Season Sensor Based Nitrogen Application

The increased efficiency of nitr ogen fertilizer (N) use has been a long-term goal in reduction of nitrate contamination in the stat e of Nebraska. Preliminary rese arch has shown sensor based in- season application of nitrogen has the ability to be economic and environmentally viable. Although benefits have been published there is an opportunity for increased accuracy of N application through the integration of preprocesse d georeferenced management zones. In-season sensor based N application relies...