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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Introgressing Unique Sources of Germplasm to Improve N Use in Temperate Maize

The vast majority of maize breeding efforts have been conducted under high N environments that primarily select for only one component of NUE, N uptake. Furthermore, these studies have employed US. and European genotypes, which have been selected for performance at high N. Historically, maize was grown in numerous low N tropical environments, suggesting that evaluation of adapted maize lines containing tropical germplasm may harbor useful genetic variation and novel alleles for improving NUE. The...

2. Triple-Stacks, Genetics, and Biotechnology in Improving Nitrogen Use of Corn

Genetic improvement in N use efficiency (NUE) is a clear strategy fo r enhancing yield and fertilizer N management of corn ( Zea mays L.), and has been the subj ect of our ongoing research. Calculation of the N requirement (N fertilizer usage/grain yield) based on statewide average grain yields and fertilizer sales shows a stead y decrease since the mid 1980's, suggestive of a genetic improvement in N use. Direct comparis on of the response to N for a 1980�۪s hybrid with its modern counterpart...