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Stewart, G.A
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Stewart, G.A
Janovicek, K.J
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Stewart, G.A
Janovicek, K.J
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Filter results3 paper(s) found.

1. Fertilizer Placement in Fall Strip Tillage

Fall strip-tillage potentially provides an opportunity to increase conservation-till corn yields while sirnplifylng corn planters by minimizing the need for multiple coulters and application of relatively high rates of starter-band fertilizer associated with no-till. However. little is known about the relative efficiency of P and K application using fall strip-till systems co~npared to when starter-band applied in no-till systems. The objectives of the research reported in this study were to evaluate...

2. Updating General Fertilizer Nitrogen Recommendations for Corn in Ontario

Corn yield response data from field trials conducted over the past 30 years which evaluated yield response to fertilizer nitrogen (FN) in Ontario were cornpiled and reanalyzed in order to update general FN recommendations for corn in Ontario. The primary objectives of the reanalysis were to 1) determine the impact of the quadratic plateau model on FN recommendations and 2) develop a set of general recommendations that are free of adjustments based on geographical regions. The new proposed recommendations...

3. Balancing Agronomy and Environment: N Recommendations in Ontario for the 21st Century

The goal of a fertilizer program may be to maximize yields from each ficld, or to maximize profit, or to minimize environmental impact. Recent instances of groundwater contamination with nitrate have focused attention on the need for source water protection, and agriculture has been implicated as one of the sources of nitrate contamination. This has lead to concerns that environmental rules could reduce the profitability of crop production, by limiting fertilizer use and hence, crop yields. Additional...