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Thelen, K.D
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Bernards, M.L
Thelen, K.D
Penner, D
Boring, T.J
Thelen, K.D
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Tank-Mixing Micronutrients Fertilizers with Glyphosate- Potential Problem or Efficient Solutions

TANK-MIXING MICRONUTRIENT FERTILIZERS WITH GLYPHOSATE - POTENTML PROBLEM OR EFFICIENT SOLUTION Mark L. Bernards, Kurt D. Thelen, Donald Penner Michlgan State University, East Lansing, MI Summary: Many agribusinesses are currently promoting the application of micronutrient foliar fertilizers in tank-mixtures with glyphosate for increased efficiency in glyphosate-resistant soybean production. This practice is inconsistellt with data which shows decreased glyyhosate efficacy in the presence of the hard-water...

2. Soybean foliar manganese recommendations on chronically Mn deficient soils.

Soil Mn availability decreases with increasing pH and organic matter concentrations, leading to seasonal Mn deficiency symptoms in soybeans pr oduced on these soils. In Michigan, high pH conditions are often found in alluvial calcareous lakebed soils where conditions lead to low Mn solubility. High organic matter co ncentrations in organic soils reduce Mn availability due to formation of unavailable chelated Mn 2+ compounds and organic complexes in the soil. While Mn deficiencies on lakebed soils...