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Godsey, C.B
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Godsey, C.B
Schmidt, J.P
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Gehl, R.J
Thompson, C.R
Ferdinand, L.J
Lamond, R.E
Gordon, W.B
Janssen, K.A
Godsey, C.B
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Site-Specific Management of Iron Deficiency in Corn

The addition of FeS04mH20 in the seed row increases corn (Zea mays L.) yield in areas with Fe deficiency-induced chlorosis. Our objectives were to determine the correct application rate of FeS04.H20 for irrigated corn, identi9 the spatial distribution of Fe deficiency, and alleviate deficiency symptoms with targeted FeS04.H20 applications. Eleven site-years were selected for small-plot studies in western Kansas. At these fields, soil CaC03 content in chlorotic or problematic deficient areas of the...

2. Evaluation of Fertilizer Management in Strip-till and No-till Corn Production

Strip-tillage for corn production may have advantages over no-till. particularly in areas with heavy soils andlor high rainfall during spring months. With these conditions in no-till systems. planting delays and/or slow, uneven emergence are common. Strip-tillage creates a narrow tilled area for the seedbed ivhile maintaining the intcr-row residue cover, allowing for the erosion protection associated with no-till, yet providing an area in the row where the soil will dry out and warm up earlier in...