Filter results2 paper(s) found. |
1. Evaluation of Nitrogen Management Practices in No-till Corn ProductionExperiments were conducted fiom 1995 to 1998 at the Dixon Springs Agricultural Center of the University of Illinois and the Belleville Research Center of Southern Illinois University to evaluate agronomically and economically several nitrogen (N) management options, including the use of the urease inhibitor Agrotaii, in no-till corn production. Compared in these studies were N sources (urea, UAN, ammonium nitrate, and anhydrous ammonia), placement (dribble vs. broadcast for surface-applied N and... |
2. Sustainable Vegetable Crop Production Using Vermi-CompostThis research intends to utili ze earthworm castings as an alternate nutrient source, especially nitrogen, for vegetable crop production. The experiment was conducted in the greenhouse and 'Mountain Fresh' tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) was used as the test crop. The main objectives were (1) to identify the optimum app lication rate of earthworm castings (EC) for tomato growth, and (2) to compare tomato res ponse under different treatments. Three different textural soils, namely sandy soil,... |