Filter results2 paper(s) found. |
1. Phosphate Management for the Corn Soybean RotationThe evaluation of rate, Frequency, and placement of phosphorus (P) fertilizer on production in the codsoybean rotation was evaluated for two contrasting tillage systems. A primary objective of this study was to evaluate both yield and economic response for the full crop rotation. Tillage systems compared were fall chisel plow and no-till. Application rates ranged from 0 to 92 Ibs P205 ac-' yr-l and were fall applied either annually or at double the rate on a biennial basis. The biennial applications... |
2. Fertilizer and Manure Management Comparisons for Corn-Soybean Rotataions in MinnesotaA study was designed to evaluate the impact of P sources (fertilizer and manure), nutrient application methods (broadcast and subsurface bands), P rates (crop removal and twice crop removal), and tillage systems (no-till and conventional) on corn-soybean response. Results to date show higher yields using manure as compared to fertilizer as the P source. This could be attributed to a higher rate of P being applied using the manure. No-till systems measured greater yields in 1999 and 2000, primarily... |