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Speth, P.E
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Kelling, K.A
Speth, P.E
Kelling, K.A
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Kelling, K.A
Cusick, P.R
Powell, J.M
Munoz, G.R
Speth, P.E
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Filter results4 paper(s) found.

1. Alfalfa Response to K Rate, Source and Time of Application

The potassium (K) requirement of alfalfa is greater than that for any other nutrient. Potassium influences several systems within-alfalfa plants, including enzyme activity, carbohydrate production and transport, stomata1 activity: photosynthesis through chlorophyll content and CO, exchange rate, and nitrogen fixation (Munson, 1985). Potassium also markedly influences alfalfa agronomically through yield increases and improvements in forage quality, disease resistance, and overwinter survival. A significant...

2. Effect of Tillage on Legume N Credit to Winter Wheat

Although there has been a significant amount of work done on the availability of legume-nitrogen for corn following alfalfa, several questions have arisen as to the sufficiency and availability of the legume N when winter wheat is raised as a following crop. This is especially true if the wheat is planted soon after the alfalfa is killed. The synchrony of nitrogen released from legumes with crop demand for N has been a concern even with crops such as corn, where N uptake can occur through- out the...

3. Estimating Second- and Third Year Nitrogen Availability from Dairy manure

: It is common practice to repeatedly apply dairy manure to the same fields. To accurately assess the total plant availability of rnanure nutrients, it is necessary to account for the nutrients remaining in soil fiom previous years applications. A corn (Zea mays) field experiment has continued since 1998 on a Plano silt loam. Residual manure N availability was estimated for two and three years after a single rnanure application fiom differences in whole-plant N uptake using 1) fertilizer N equivalence...

4. Sulfur Responses and the Wisoconsin Alfalfa Sulfur Survey

For more than 30 years, agronomists, soil scientists, consultants and farmers have recognized the potential for significant responses to applied sulfur fertilizer in northern and western Wisconsin on lighter textured, low organic matter soils that had not recently received manure (Rand et al., 1969; Hoefi and Walsh, 1975; Schulte, 1976; Peters and Kelling, 1987). More recently, crop consultants and others have reported seeing sulhr responses on soils or in locations where they typically were not...