Filter results2 paper(s) found. |
1. Nutrient Management and Starter Fertilizer for No-till CornNo-till corn acreage has steadily increased in Illinois. No-till presents unique problems of nutrient stratification, increased surface residue, and cool, wet soils which may influence nutrient availability. Two experiments were initiated in 1993 at 4 locations to evaluate the response of no-till corn to: 1) primary N applications of anhydrous ammonia preplant, UAN broadcast preplant, and ammonia sidedressed at V6; 2) starter fertilizers with factorial combinations of N, P, and K banded 2 inches... |
2. Response of Minimum-till Corn to Starter Fertilizer and ACAStarter fertilizer containing N and P often increases grain yield under no-till management. but yield responses to starter have riot been consistently observed under conventional tillage. Experiments were established in 1996 and 1997 at six sites varying in latitude, soil type. fertility, and crop rotation to evaluate the effect of starter fertilizers on corn grown under high-residue minimum-till systems. In one experiment, a factorial combination of 3 N. 2 P, and 2 K rates placed in a 2x2 band was... |