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NCSFC Proceedings 2023.pdf


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Mengel, D
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Mengel, D
Hawkins, S
Tucker, D
Mengel, D
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Fertilizer Recommendations- Fact or Fiction

Fertilizers are all important and expensive part of the crop production systenl in Indiana. Indiana farmers spend nearly a half billion dollars each year on fertilizer and lime. The question is. is this expense really nccessary? Farmers obtain fertilizer reconlmendations from a number of sources. Soil testing labs. fertilizer dealers. crop consultants and extension all make fertilizer reconunendations. In many cases the reconlmendations are quite different. Is there a valid reason for these differences...

2. A Different Approach to Managing Nitrogen in Sorghum

Research conducted over the past fifty plus years has been used to develop a Nitrogen Fertilizer Recommendation "formula" for grain sorghum which considers factors such as Yield Potential, Residual Nitrate N in the soil Profile, the amount of N mineralized fi-om Soil Organic Matter and Previous Crop Residue, and other potential sources of N such as animal manure or N in irrigation water. The current formula used is as follows: N Rec = Yld x (1.6) - (20 x %SOM) - PNST - PCA - Manure N - Water N When...