Filter results2 paper(s) found. |
1. Preplant Soil Nitrogen Test for CornSoil ammonium N and nitrate N were measured at the pre-plant and sidedress stages on 59 Michigan fields in 1992. Total inorganic soil N (ammonium N plus nitrate N) at pre-plant stage averaged to 12.6 ppm, about 50% of which was present in the nitrate form and 50% in the ammonium form. Total inorganic N at sidedress stage was 18.9 ppm, of which the nitrate N component was 12.2 ppm. The NH JNO, ratio decreased from 1.06 at prep1 ant stage to 0.54 at sidedress stage. Multiple correlation analysis revealed... |
2. Michigan Right-to-Farm- Generally Accepted Agricultural and Management Practices for Nutrient UtilizationThe following is a summary of Michigan's Right-To-Farm nutrient management practices. These practices were adopted by the Michigan Agricultural Con~mission in January of 1993. Crop producers who voluntarily follow these practices are provided protection from public nuisance disputes under Michigan Public Act 93 of 1981 as amended, The Right-To-Farm Act, Michigan Department of Agriculture. A complete copy of the Right-To-Farm document may be obtained by writing to Robert Craig. Michigan Department... |