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Osborn, M.W
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Varsa, E.C
Jemison, J.M
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Lewis, A.K
Hnetkovsky, S.W
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Varsa, E.C
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Jemison, J.M
Osborn, M.W
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Effect of NBPT-Amended Urea and UAN on No-till Corn in Northern Illinois

Field evaluations of the urease inhibitor N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT) have been extensively conducted across the USA with encouraging results. Most response data collected to date has been with corn. In this report results from 7 'years of experiments at two southern Illinois locations (Belleville and Carbondale) are presented. NBPT addition to broadcast-placed urea, when evaluated across N rates and locations, gave no- till corn yield increases averaging 8.4 bulac in 13 experiments....

2. Nitrogen Placement in No-till Corn

Placement of nitrogen (N) fartilizers on no-till corn was evaluated in various single and multiple N rate experiments at the Belleville and Carbondale Research Centers of Southern Illinois University from 1983 to 1993. In 15 experiments in which granular urea placement was compared, ear leaf N and grain yield were essentially the same whether urea was broadcast or concentrated in surface bands near corn rows. Only a 2 bu/ac average yield advantage was observed for banding versus broadcasting urea...