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1. Nitrogen Test Development Soil N Levels in 1989The developnent of a N test that can be used for fertilizer recamrendations of corn in the eastern areas of Minnesota is needed for environmental and econcmic reasons. A multi-site project was initiated in 1989 to extensively examine soil sampling time and depth as well as N forms in the soil. This will then enable statistical models to be develaped using one or mre of the variables. A subset of the entire project is reported--concentrating on the sites allowing the calibration of the soil N tests... |
2. Establishing (and Differentiating) On-farm Research and Demonstration TrialsAs the 1990s begin, funding agencies are looking beyond the traditional definition of who does "research." While university, USDA and private industry have traditionally conducted research in the past, grassroot organizations, local agency personnel and individual farmers are now proposing and implementing research of various types. An overall trend seems to be for research experiments to be evaluated on farmersf fields. Some of this movement may be a political statement against traditional methods... |
3. Best Management Practices for Nitrogen in MinnesotaAtrention to nirrogen (N) nlanagemerzt and to rhe influence of N on ground- rvarer qzraliry was significanrly enhanced in Minnesota wirh the passage of the Conlprehensive Groundwater Protection Acr in 1989. That legislative act mandated the fonnarion of u Nirrogen Fertilizer Task Force whose duty was ro study the eflecrs and impacrs on water resources fro,n N fenilizer use so rhar besr management practice (BMPs), a fenilizer managenlenr plan, and N fem'l- izer use regulations could be developed.... |
4. A Nitrogen Soil Test for CornIn the past decade, many states have started including a soil test when making N recommendations. In order for a soil N test to be useful, it must provide information that is not known or incorporated when making N recommendations without a test. If a test does not provide explainable, qunlltifiable infarmation. the tcs: !cses its usefghess. In Minnesota, a falllspring preplant N test has been used in the western tier of counties, which have lower rainfall than the rest of the state, for many years.... |