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Kelling, K.A
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Kelling, K.A
Kelling, K.A
Jarman, J
Kelling, K.A
Schulte, E.E
Bundy, L.G
Combs, S.M
Peters, J.B
Kelling, K.A
Wolkowski, R.P
Kelling, K.A
Speth, P.E
Kelling, K.A
Speth, P.E
Wood, T
Dawson, M.A
Kelling, K.A
Stevenson, W.R
Kelling, K.A
Cusick, P.R
Powell, J.M
Munoz, G.R
Speth, P.E
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Filter results8 paper(s) found.

1. Fertilizer use in the Future- A University Perspective

Over the last few years, several agrodc, economic, political, environmental and sociological trends have begun to eruerge which will significantly affect fertilizer use in the next decade and perhaps beyond. The wide-spread use of fertilizers is a relatively recent developmt. Over the past 40 years, farmers repeatedly saw the benefits of fertilizer applications and developed a faith in their need. Hwever, the 1990's are not the 1950's. As point& out by Dean L. M. Walsh in a recent paper in Dealer...

2. Effect of Alfalfa Stand Density or Cutting Management on Nitrogen Supplying Capacity

Economic, energy and environmental considerations are making the efficient use of nitrogen fertilizers increasingly important for Wisconsin crop producers. Excessive nitrogen applications cannot be tolerated environmentally due to the potential for N leaching to groundwater, or economically due to the relatively high cost of N fertilizers. The potential exists for many producers, farming in legume rotation, to unknowingly over-apply N by not fully applying credits for previously grown alfalfa. A...

3. The New Wisconsin Soil Test Recommendation Program

The modern Wisconsin soil testing program was originally developed in the early 1960's. It was revised rather thoroughly in 1970 and again in 1981. New research advances, additional correla- tion and calibration data, changes in user needs, and shifts in philosophical viewpoint make it necessary to periodically review the soil testing program and the recommendations that emanate from that program. The current revision is an attempt to incorporate additional research, eliminate certain inconsistencies...

4. Alfalfa Responses to Potassium

The potassium requirement of alfalfa is greater than that for any other nutrient. Potassium influences several systems within alfalfa plants including enzyme activity, carbohydrate production and transport, stornatal activity, photosynthesis through chlorophyll content and C02 exchange rate, and nitrogen fixation. Excellent reviews on the role of K in physiological processes are provided in the most recent potassium monograph (Munson, 1985). Potassium also markedly influences alfalfa agronomically...

5. Alfalfa Response to K Rate, Source and Time of Application

The potassium (K) requirement of alfalfa is greater than that for any other nutrient. Potassium influences several systems within-alfalfa plants, including enzyme activity, carbohydrate production and transport, stomata1 activity: photosynthesis through chlorophyll content and CO, exchange rate, and nitrogen fixation (Munson, 1985). Potassium also markedly influences alfalfa agronomically through yield increases and improvements in forage quality, disease resistance, and overwinter survival. A significant...

6. Effect of Tillage on Legume N Credit to Winter Wheat

Although there has been a significant amount of work done on the availability of legume-nitrogen for corn following alfalfa, several questions have arisen as to the sufficiency and availability of the legume N when winter wheat is raised as a following crop. This is especially true if the wheat is planted soon after the alfalfa is killed. The synchrony of nitrogen released from legumes with crop demand for N has been a concern even with crops such as corn, where N uptake can occur through- out the...

7. Field Estimate of Dairy Manure Nitrogen Availability to Potatoes

Within Wisconsin, there is a distinct movement toward dairy herd expansion and consolidation of small farms. With the increase in manure production, these large dairies are considering various land and manure management arrangements with non-livestock farmers, such as potato producers. The purpose of this study is to evaluate several potato production issues resulting from such partnerships including the availability of dairy manure nutrients to potatoes. Nitrogen and phosphorus availability were...

8. Estimating Second- and Third Year Nitrogen Availability from Dairy manure

: It is common practice to repeatedly apply dairy manure to the same fields. To accurately assess the total plant availability of rnanure nutrients, it is necessary to account for the nutrients remaining in soil fiom previous years applications. A corn (Zea mays) field experiment has continued since 1998 on a Plano silt loam. Residual manure N availability was estimated for two and three years after a single rnanure application fiom differences in whole-plant N uptake using 1) fertilizer N equivalence...