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Wolkowski, R.P
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Wolkowski, R.P
Bundy, L.G
Lowery, B
Kelling, K.A
Wolkowski, R.P
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Wolkowski, R.P
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Filter results3 paper(s) found.

1. Compaction - K Fertility Interactions in Corn Production

Soil compaction is recognized as a significant factor affecting yield in crop production today. The pressure to produce crops profitably has often led gruwers to farm greater acreages, with larger equipment under soil conditions which favor compaction. Effects of compaction are not limited to the surface lay- of a soil but often may be apparent cut much of the root zone. With the interest in soil compaction and its effects on crop growth, a research project was initiated to accomplish the fol lowing...

2. Alfalfa Responses to Potassium

The potassium requirement of alfalfa is greater than that for any other nutrient. Potassium influences several systems within alfalfa plants including enzyme activity, carbohydrate production and transport, stornatal activity, photosynthesis through chlorophyll content and C02 exchange rate, and nitrogen fixation. Excellent reviews on the role of K in physiological processes are provided in the most recent potassium monograph (Munson, 1985). Potassium also markedly influences alfalfa agronomically...

3. Grid Soil Sampling for Precision and Profit

Site specific management of plant nutrients for crop production begins with an inventory of soil test levels in a field. Fertilizer recommendations are based on the expected response to addition of fertilizers as a function of soil test levels. Therefore, the accuracy of site specific fertilizer applications depends on the precision of the soil test map from which the fertilizer recommendations are based. Precision usually increases as fields are divided and sampled as smaller areas. Mapping accuracy...