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Leikam, D.F
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Leikam, D.F
Gallagher, P.J
Armbruster, J.A
Leikam, D.F
Leikam, D.F
Leikam, D.F
Lamond, R.E
Mengel, D.B
Herman, J.C
Massey, J.R
Leikam, D.F
Harrold, S
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Filter results5 paper(s) found.

1. Bandded Phosphorus Applications to Winter Wheat - 1985-86

While many producers recognize the importance of a sound P fertilization program for profitable wheat production? there are many potentially responsive wheat acres not receiving any fertilizer P - resulting in reduced grain yields and farmer profitability. over the years there have been many research studies conducted by land grant Universities throughout the Great Plains indicating the importance of fertilizer P applications for wheat production on low P testing soils. In the mid to late 1970's...

2. Using Sufficiency and Recommendation Information to Calculate Fertilizer Response Curve and Profitability Estimates.

The importance of sound fertility programs in efficient, profitable farming operations is well known - especially in times of low crop prices. Likewise, the importance of a sound soil testing program - and recommendation guidelines that relate these soil test values to credible, long-term research results - is recognized as the best way of obtaining maximum economic returns from fertilizer dollars. Unfortunatly, there are few tools available for evaluating the profitabi1it.y of a specific fertility...

3. Summary of P Fertilizer use Effects on Soil Test Phosphorus

Over the years, much research has centered on the use of various soil P extractants for developing soil fertility programs. While P soil test values are most reliable for estimating the historical probability of obtaining a crop response from fertilizer P application and tracking the effects of past P fertility programs - P soil tests are more commonly used as to estimate future fertilizer P rate requirements. Depending on the objectives of a grower, P soil testing is used to predict future P rate...

4. Providing Flexibility in P and K Recommendations

Historically, land grant Universities have generally provided a single rate recommendation for nutrients such as phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). Depending on the particular University in question, these nutrient rate recommendations are generally based on two widely recognized approaches to managing soil and fertilizer P and K - the nutrient sufficiency approach and the build-maintenance approach. The goal of a nutrient sufficiency based soil fertility program is to apply just enough P andior K...

5. Relationship of Mehlich-3 ICP and Mehlich-3 Colorimetric Phosphorus Determinations with the Bray-P1 Extractant

The Bray P1 extractant has traditionally been the common extractant used for soil testing in the Midwest and Great Plains. while the Olsen P tests has been the dominant phosphorus (P) extractant used in many westem states. The use of the Meldich-3 extractant for determining soil test P in private and state operated soil test laborato~ies becotne more commonplace in recent years. The ability to extract multiple elements is a 11lajor advantage of the Mehlich-3 test. While the Mehlich-3 test is often...