Filter results6 paper(s) found. |
1. Potassuim Chloride Fertilization and Common Root Rot of BarleyCommon root rot (CRR, incited by Cochliobulus sativus) is one of the most widespread diseases of wheat and barley in the Great Plains and Prairie Provinces. Average yield losses, based on extensive surveys in the Prairie Provinces, average around 5% for wheat and 10% for barley, althoughinindividualfieldslossescanbemuchhigher. Potassium chloride fertilization has been effective in reducing CRR of barley in North Dakota, and I believe we are close to understanding why CRR is reduced by KC1 fertilization.... |
2. Ammonium Thiosulfate as a Urease Inhibitor- A suggested MechanismA great deal of interest, ard sca~ controversy, has been generaw by my observations (Goos, 1985a; Goos, 1985b; Fairlie and Goos, 1986) that ammonium thiosulfate (ATS, 12-0-0-265) can inhibit soil urease activity when mixed with fertilizers such as urea-ammonium nitrate (UAN) . Preliminary field research (Gascho and Burton, 1987; Fox and Piekielek, 1987; Lamond et al. 1986) has shown some increase in crop yields or N uptah by adding ATS to surface-applied UAN. However, the use of ATS as a urease inhibitor... |
3. Combining Nitrification Inhibitor TechnologiesTechniques exist for the partial control of nitrification, but few studies have determined the effectiveness of combining more than one technique. A series of experiments compared the nitrification rate of urea granules as influenced by granule size (0.01, 0.1, and 1.0 g/pellet) and dicyandiamide (DCD) addition (0, 1, 2, 5, and 10% of N) . A second series of experiments measured the interactive effects of DCD and ammonium thiosulfate (ATS) on nitrification of liquid fertilizers. Both experiments... |
4. Nitrification of Banded Liquid FertilizersField studies were conducted in 1990 at three sites to compare the relative effectiveness of ammonium thiosulfate (ATS, 12-0-0- 26s) , dicyandiamide (DCD) , and nitrapyrin (NP, ' N-Serve 24E' ) as nitrification inhibitors in combination with banded urea-ammonium nitrate (UAN). Applications were banded prior to planting spring wheat, and soil samples taken 2, 4, and 8 weeks after application. ATS, DCD, and NP inhibited nitrification at all three sites. ATS inhibited nitrification at the 4 week sampling,... |
5. In Search of EAN of Spring WheatMany spring wheat varieties respond reliably to enhanced ammoniunl nutrition (EAN) in the greenhouse. Three field studies were established in 1992 to determine if similar responses could be obtained in the field. Butte 86 spring wheat was fertilized (100 Ib N/A) with calcium nitrate, urea, urea + DCD, forestry-grade (0.1 g) urea pellets and forestry-grade urea pellets + DCD. The goal was to provide wheat with a large range of a1nmonium:nitrate ratios and to determine the effect 011 wheat development... |
6. Calcium Chloride Effects on Nitrogen Uptake by Small GrainsApplying calcium chloride (CaC12) with urea stimulated nitrogen uptake by small grains in six greenhouse studies. The effect was most dramatic for a sandy soil, moderate for a loam soil, and not observed for a clay soil. Allowing the urea to nitrify before plant uptake negated the CaC12 effect. In field studies, these effects were generally not observed, probably because the nitrification of the applied N was too rapid. However, this concept deserves further investigation, for example, when established... |