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Rehm, G
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Rehm, G
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Dahnke, B
Fanning, C
Rehm, G
Rehm, G
Rehm, G
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Filter results10 paper(s) found.

1. The Effect of Sulfur Fertilization of Yield and Quality of Corn and Alfalfa

The importance of sulfur (S) fertilizers for crop production in Minnesota has been recognized for several years. Inpast research, the use of S had increased crop production only on the sandy soils. Since the soil organic matter is a major reservoir of S for plant use, there is always some question about the need for S in a fertilizer program where soils are not sandy but, yet, have a low organic matter content. It is well known that S is an important component of some amino acids in wlants and this...

2. Banded Potassium for Ridge-till Planting Systems

The ridge-till planting system is a proven tool for controlling soil erosion and providing maximum efficiency of water use by corn. The use of the ridge-till planting system in the northern Corn Belt has increased substantially in the past several years. Recently, however, potassium (K) deficiency symptoms have been reported in many fields. These observations have occurred even though soil test values for K have been in the high range. As the number of reports of K deficiencies increased, it was...

3. Response of Ridge-till Corn to Potash Fertilization

In recent years there has been an increased interest in growing corn with either ridge-till or no-till planting systens. This interest has been stimulated by concern for conservation compliance, farm profitability and the environment. Many problems have surfaced as these tillage systems are adopted by more and more farmers. The appearance of potassiu,~ deficiency symptoms has been a major concern for those who grow corn and soybeans with these tillage systems for the past four or five years. For...

4. Hybrid and Potash Effects on Root Growth in Ridge-till Corn

Potassium deficiency symptoms often appear in ridge-till and no-till corn even when soil test values for potassium are high. Certain hybrids are morc sensitive to the problem than others. Two techniques were used to assess root activity arid density in a three year experiment at the West Central Experiment Station, Morris, MN. We compared two tillage systems (fall chisel and ridge till). two hybrids (Pioneer 3732 and 3737) and three fertilizer treatments (control and 40 IbIA banded or broadcast K,O)....

5. Regionalizing Fertilizer Recommendations for North Dakota, South Dakota, and Western Minnesota

Fertilizer recommendations have varied between adjacent states. The inconsistencies at state lines made educational efforts in soil fertility more difficult for companies doing business across state lines. In an effort to alleviate these problems, the agronomists working with fertilizer calibration data and recommendations from the three states of North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota put together a recommendation system which could be used in a large part of all three states. The basic "core"...

6. Should P and K Fertilization be Matched to Plant Populations for Corn

Fertilization practices and plant populations are major factors involved with corn production. Several researchers have investigated the effects of various fertilizer management practices. Likewise, the impact of plant population on corn production has been evaluated in a variety of production environments. The combined effects of plant popillation and fertilization. however, have not been thoroughly evaluated. Specifically. there has bcen very little study of the influence of plant populations in...

7. Do We Really Need a Soil Test for Sulfur

The importance of sulhr (S) in a fertilizer program for crop production has been recognized for over 50 years. The need for fertilizer S was not universal. Measured responses were limited to special or localized situations. Since S in a fertilizer program was not needed for all crops and all soils, it was only logical to attempt to develop a soil test that would accurately predict the need for the addition of this essential nutrient. Development of a soil test for S that would accurately predict...

8. Evaluation of Banded Fertilizer for Soybean Production

Response of the soybean crop to phosphate and potash fertilizer when soil test levels indicate the need for additional P andlor K is well documented. The value of the additional bushels exceeds the cost of the fertilizer. In general, phosphate and potash fertilizer, when needed, can either be broadcast and incorporated before planting or applied in a band at the time of planting. The banded application is Frequently preferred for a variety of reasons. This is especially true when the soybean crop...

9. Is There a Role for Gypsum in Midwest Agriculture

For the past two years, there has been an increased interest in gypsum throughout the Midwest. It's reasonable to ask if this interest is a consequence of improved crop production or the follow-up of increasted sales activity. For many years, gypsum has been used to improve crop production in some parts of the United states. In most of these situations it was used to supply sulfur (S). In some cases, gypsum has been used to supply calcium, an important nutrient for profitable peanut production There...

10. What's New with Micronutrients in our Part of the World

The importance of micronutrients for production of a variety of crops in the North-Central region of the U.S. has been recognized for many years. When needed, these essential nutrients can have a substantial positive impact on production. However, neither the need for nor the importance of each micronutrient is universal across the reg~on. Importance (need) is greatly affected by crop. soil properties, and production environn~cnt. With traditional thinking over the years, thoughts have focused on...