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Fixen, P.E
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Fixen, P.E
Buchenau, G.W
Cholick, F.A
Gelderman, R.H
Gerwing, J.R
Schumacher, T.E
Farber, B.G
Vivekanandan, M
Fixen, P.E
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Small Grain Response to Potassium and Chloride Additions

Studies have been conducted over a three-year period to determine the frequency and the cause of small grain response to KC1 additions on high K soils. During the first two years responsiveness of hard red spring wheat, spring barley, and oats were compared at six locations in eastern South Dakota. Broadcast applications of 167 lbs/A of KC1 caused grain yield increases significant at the 0.05 probability level at four sites for wheat and two sites for barley while no oat yield increases were measured....

2. Cropping System Effects on Phosphorus Response of Corn

Today's corn producer performs less tillage than in the past and predictions indicate that even less will be done in the future. Changes in management practices involving different tillage and residue incorporation practices alter the dynamics of organic matter turnover in soil and may influence the supply of plant nutrients. To maximize efficiency, it is critical that information be available to guide fertilizer management adjustments for specific tillage and rotation systems. A tremendous amount...