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Eckert, D.J
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Eckert, D.J
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Eckert, D.J
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Filter results4 paper(s) found.

1. Rye Cover Crops in No-till Corn Production

Field studies have been conducted for several years in Ohio to determine the effects of including a ry.e cover crop in no-till production situations. These studies were conducted at two locations, on a moderately well drained Canfield silt loam at Wooster, and a very poorly drained, but tiled, Hoytville silty clay at Hoytville. At Wooster, no-till corn was planted into corn or soybean residue, with or without a fall-seeded rye cover crop (2 bu/A seeding rate). Individual plots received 200 lb N/A...

2. Managing UAN Solutions in No-tillage Corn

Studies in many states over the past several years have indicated some type of inefficiency associated with broacasting N (nitrogen) as UAN (urea-anmnium nitrate) solution in no-tillage corn production situa- tions. Broadcasting UAN has often given lower yields when ccmpared to injected anhydrous amnonia or broadcast amnonium nitrate. Several theories have been proposed to account for this inefficiency, including volatilization of the urea canponent of the UAN, inmobilization of N during breakdown...

3. Nitrogen Source Affects Manganese Nutrition of No Till Corn

A study evaluating response of no-till continuous corn to different rates of N as injected anhydrous ammonia and broadcasted urea-ammonium nitrate solution (UAN) was conducted on a Canfield silt loam near Wooster, Ohio. Repeated use of anhydrous ammonia on this naturally acid soil resulted in relatively large concentrations of Mn (often > 200 ug/g) in corn plant ear leaves at silking. Ear leaf Mn concentrations were less when UAN was used. For both N source treatments, ear leaf Mn concentrations...

4. Ammonium Thiosulfate Effects on Corn Production

Ammonium thiosulfate ((NH,),S,O,, ATS) and urea-ammonium nitrate solution (UAN) were applied in different combinations to corn grown in five site-year studies to assess any effects of ATS on corn performance. Ammonium sulfate ((NH4),S04, AS) was included in three of these comparisons as an alternate sulfur (S) treatment. Adding ATS to UAN increased corn yield in one comparison, decreased it in another and had no effect on yield in others. Adding AS had no effect on corn yield. Neither S material...