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Filter results3 paper(s) found.

1. A Weighted Classified Method for Nitrogen Zone Delineation

Even though zone management in precision agriculture is a relatively new science. extensive research has been conducted on the best predictors for determining optimal nitrogen management zones in site-specific farming (Bausch et al., 2002; Fleming and Buchleiter, 2002; Franzen and Nanna, 2002, Hendrickson and Han, 2000; Lund et al.. 2002: Stenger et a].. 2002). Different techniques. varying from cluster analysis (Jaynes et al.. 2003; Kitchen et al., 2002: Ralston et al.. 2002) to neural networks...

2. Comparison of Nitrogen Management Zone Delineation Methods

An alternative to dense grid soil sampling for delineating residual soil N levels or N availability is a zone sampling approach. The zone approach assumes that soil N patterns are logically linked to some inherent causal effect, either natural or man-made. A number of delineation methods have been examined. including apparent soil EC (Kitchen et al.. 1999). yield mapping (Taylor and Whitney. 2001: Diker et al.. 2002), topography (Franzen et al.. 1998), aerial imagery (Williams et al., 2002 Sripada...

3. Zone Delineation for Nitrogen Management

Managing nitrogen through zone soil sampling has been shown effective in revealing residual soil nitrate patterns in North Dakota. Zone delineation has been constructed using several types of data, including yield maps, remote imagery, topography and soil EC sensor data. A study was conducted in North Dakota, Montana and Minnesota to evaluate zone delineation methods. Across the region, yield frequency maps, topography, remote inlagery and soil EC data were effective in helping to construct zones....