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Zegler, C
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Francis, H
Ruark, M
Zegler, C
Smith, D
West, J
Walters, A.M
Ruark, M.D
Gaska, J.M
Zegler, C
Conley, S.P
Richardson, G
Ruark, M
Silva, E
Chawner, M
Olson, E
Radatz, A
Zegler, C
N fixation in cover crop systems
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Filter results3 paper(s) found.

1. Nitrogen benefits when interseeding red clover into continuous corn

Information pertaining to the benefits of intereseeding cover crops is lacking. Red clover is a leguminous cover crop that can grow in low radiation environments, is winter hardy for much of the northern USA, and is a low cost weed suppressant that has been shown to provide a nitrogen credit and improve corn yield. While it is clear that red clover is a cover crop that can provide immediate economic benefits in grain-based cropping systems, the potential N credit and the effect of interseeding... H. Francis, M. Ruark, C. Zegler, D. Smith, J. West

2. Nitrogen Application, Biological N Fixation, and N Uptake

Previous collaborative research in the Midwest has shown that there is likely little to no need of N for soybean, except under certain conditions (such as when low soil moisture limits N fixation, or when low initial soil nitrate-N limits overall N availability). However, none of the site-years used in this synthesis analysis were on sandy soils. Because sandy soils supply little nitrate-N, the potential impact of N on crop yield is greater in sandy environments than on silt loam soils. However,... A.M. Walters, M.D. Ruark, J.M. Gaska, C. Zegler, S.P. Conley

3. The Effect of Agricultural Management Practices on Labile Soil Carbon and Nitrogen in Wisconsin

Amid ever-increasing enthusiasm for soil health there remains uncertainty about how best to measure it, to interpret the results, and to adapt agricultural management accordingly. One factor of particular interest to farmers is the capacity of a soil to mineralize organic matter, making nutrients available to crops. This research takes a survey-based approach to identify how labile carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) – as permanganate oxidizable carbon (POxC), potentially mineralizable carbon (PMC)... G. Richardson, M. Ruark, E. Silva, M. Chawner, E. Olson, A. Radatz, C. Zegler