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Laboski, C
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Bandura, C
Laboski, C
Camberato, J
Carter, P
Ferguson, R
Fernandez, F
Franzen, D
Kitchen, N
Nafziger, E
Sawyer, J
Shanahan, J
Shafer, M
Camberato, J
Carter, P
Ferguson, R
Fernandez, F
Franzen, D
Kitchen, N
Laboski, C
Nafziger, E
Nielsen, R
Sawyer, J
Shanahan, J
McDaniel, M
Walters, D
Bundy, L
Laboski, C
Scharf, P
Drijber, R
Horwath, W
Sawyer, J
Sawyer, J
Castellano, M
Teeter, A
Andraski, T
Laboski, C
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Filter results4 paper(s) found.

1. A Combination of Soil Incubation and Chemical Extraction Tests Best Predicts Corn Yield Response to Fertilizer Nitrogen

Soil tests in general have served a critical role in the field of soil fertility for over half a century, and have helped to increase crop productivity and promote more efficient use of fertilizers on farms. However, N soil tests have limitations and chemical extraction tests have not predicted well the potentially mineralizable N supplied to corn over a growing season. Thus, these tests often do not accurately predict a corn’s yield response to fertilizer N. We explored 30 soil tests for... M. Mcdaniel, D. Walters, L. Bundy, C. Laboski, P. Scharf, R. Drijber, W. Horwath, J. Sawyer, J. Sawyer, M. Castellano

2. Can Nitrapyrin and Cover Crop Improve Fall Dairy Slurry N Availability to Corn?

Fall applications of manure have the potential for high nitrogen (N) losses. Cereal/grass cover crops have been shown to take up fall applied N. Similarly, using nitrapyrin (Instinct®) has been shown to prevent loss of fall applied N. No studies have been conducted to evaluate combining these tools to prevent N loss. This experiment was performed in 2016 and 2017 on a well-drained and somewhat poorly drained silt loam soils. This study was conducted to determine if using Instinct® and... A. Teeter, T. Andraski, C. Laboski

3. Post-Harvest Soil Nitrate Following Corn Production in Eight Midwestern States

Applying nitrogen (N) at economically optimal rates (EONR) and at times of rapid crop uptake are practices that are thought to minimize the amount of residual soil nitrate (RSN) in the profile that may be susceptible to loss. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of rate (0 to 280 lb N/a in 40 lb increments) and timing (pre-plant (PP) or PP plus V9 sidedress (PP+SD)) of N application on corn grain yield and RSN in the top 3 feet of soil relative to the calculated EONR. Thirty-two... C. Bandura, C. Laboski, J. Camberato, P. Carter, R. Ferguson, F. Fernandez, D. Franzen, N. Kitchen, E. Nafziger, J. Sawyer, J. Shanahan

4. Variation in Internal N Efficiency of Corn and Impact on Yield-Goal Based N Recommendations

Internal N efficiency (IE) is defined as bushels per acre (GY) produced per pound of N per acre (PMN) in the plant at physiological maturity (R6). Internal N efficiency defines the required amount of plant N content at R6 in a yield-goal based N rate recommendations (currently used in 30 U.S. states) and several commercial N recommendation models. Commonly IE is assumed to be constant at an approximate value of 0.8 bu lb-N-1 in yield-goal based recommendations. Our research objective was... M. Shafer, J. Camberato, P. Carter, R. Ferguson, F. Fernandez, D. Franzen, N. Kitchen, C. Laboski, E. Nafziger, R. Nielsen, J. Sawyer, J. Shanahan

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