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McDaniel, M
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Dutter, C
St Cyr, M
McDaniel, M
Carley, C
Singh, A
Graduate Award Student Poster
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Filter results1 paper(s) found.

1. Soil and Soybean Responses to Planting into Terminated Prairie Strips

Prairie strips are a new conservation practice that are currently implemented in 14 Midwest US states. Prairie strips have been shown to reduce runoff, increase soil health, retain sediment and nutrients, increase biodiversity and have no effect on surrounding crop yield. Due to the comprehensive improvements to soil health under prairie strips, researchers and growers are interested in rotating them on 10-15 year cycles.  We have little-to-no knowledge on the effects of planting crops in... C. Dutter, M. St cyr, M. Mcdaniel, C. Carley, A. Singh