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NCSFC Proceedings 2023.pdf


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Mann, M
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Novais, W
Sprunger, C.D
Lindsey, L.E
Khanal, S
Ortez, O
Mann, M
Lindsey, A.
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1. Elucidating How N Management Practices and Excess Water Conditions Affect Corn N Uptake and Grain Yield

Flooding and waterlogging events have been more frequent in the Midwest region, causing corn yield penalty nitrogen losses through leaching and denitrification processes. Improving N fertilizer recommendations for areas prone to flood conditions is necessary to minimize N losses and optimize corn yield. This research aimed to determine how N application practices before and after waterlogging events impact corn growth and grain yield. A field experiment was initiated in 2021 in Custar, Ohio using... W. Novais, C.D. Sprunger, L.E. Lindsey, S. Khanal, O. Ortez, M. Mann, A. . Lindsey