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Miller, R.O
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Bohl Bormann, N.L
Wilson, M.L
Cortus, E.L
Floren, J
Miller, R.O
Gunderson, L
Graduate Award Student Poster
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1. Manure Total Nitrogen Variability Due to Analytical Method and Total Solids Content

Knowing the nutrient analysis of a fertilizer source is essential to ensure adequate nutrients for crop growth, while not causing potential environmental impacts by overapplying nutrients.  Using manure as a nutrient source can complicate matters as the nutrient content can be variable and the manure can come in a range of liquid to solid consistencies. There are multiple laboratory methods to determine different nutrient parameters and for manure total nitrogen levels the most common methods... N.L. Bohl bormann, M.L. Wilson, E.L. Cortus, J. Floren, R.O. Miller, L. Gunderson