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Margenot, A.J
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Sadeghpour, A
Weidhuner, A.M
Burkett, G
Zandvakili, O
Adeyemi, O
Kula, C
Berberich, J
Pike, J
Margenot, A.J
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1. Carbon Credit and Sequestration in Agroecosystems; Lessons from Trials in Southern Illinois

A carbon (C) credit is the attribution of net CO2-C equivalent which can be used to decrease climate forcing through a given practice or farming system for a given unit time. Carbon credits allow industries to purchase C that is produced on a farm (i.e., offsets). Carbon can be captured in two ways; (i) by capturing and reducing greenhouse gasses (on a CO2-C equivalent basis), and/or (ii) by increasing soil organic C stocks. Therefore, to enable C credits in the agricultural... A. Sadeghpour, A.M. Weidhuner, G. Burkett, O. Zandvakili, O. Adeyemi, C. Kula, J. Berberich, J. Pike, A.J. Margenot