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NCSFC Proceedings 2023.pdf


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Mizuta, K
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Souza, E
Fernandez, F.G
Coulter, J
Wilson, M
Vetsch, J.A
Pagliari, P.H
Venterea, R.T
Kaiser, D.E
Fabrizzi, K.P
Bernau, D
Rosen, C.J
Mizuta, K
Miao, Y
Sharma, V
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Filter results1 paper(s) found.

1. A Minnesota-Wide Assessment of Critical Pre-Plant and in-Season Soil Nitrate for Adjusting Nitrogen Rate Guidelines

The pre-plant (PPNT) and pre-sidedress (PSNT) soil nitrate tests are often used as indicators of soil nitrogen (N) availability in Minnesota. The assessment of available soil nitrogen (N) provides corn (Zea mays L.) growers with key information on N credits to adjust their N fertilizer rates. However, current N management recommendations in Minnesota were based on research conducted 40-yr ago and did not specify differences between environments and management. Through a comprehensive... E. Souza, F.G. Fernandez, J. Coulter, M. Wilson, J.A. Vetsch, P.H. Pagliari, R.T. Venterea, D.E. Kaiser, K.P. Fabrizzi, D. Bernau, C.J. Rosen, K. Mizuta, Y. Miao, V. Sharma