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NCSFC Proceedings 2023.pdf


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Matcham, E.G
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Colet, F
Vann, R.A
Conley, S.P
Naeve, S.L
Matcham, E.G
Mourtzinis, S
Lindsey, L.E
Graduate Award Student Poster
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1. Influence of Biological Seed Treatment on Soybean Grain Yield in the U.S.

Biological seed treatment in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) is a growing market in the U.S., with multiple microbially active ingredients and several proposed benefits. Some of the claimed benefits include improving nitrogen fixation, stimulation of root growth, increasing phosphorus, sulfur, and other nutrient absorption, and control of diseases, with the aim to increase soybean grain yield. Farmers are often bombarded with marketing claims about biological seed treatments. In many... F. Colet, R.A. Vann, S.P. Conley, S.L. Naeve, E.G. Matcham, S. Mourtzinis, L.E. Lindsey