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Guzel, M
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Sadeghpour, A
Guzel, M
McGrath, J
Adeyemi, O
Arnall, B
Guzel, O
Liu, X
Xu, S
Margenot, A
Sadeghpour, A
Zandvakili, O
Guzel, M
Graduate Award Student Poster
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Does Sensor-based Nitrogen Management Maintain Crop Production and Decrease Nitrate-N Leaching?

To improve water quality, nitrogen (N) management in corn production systems should shift from current N decision support system [maximum return to N (MRTN)] which suggests a single rate N addition to sensor-based (GreenSeeker) active N management (variable N rate approach). Single rate N recommendations often result in under- and over-N addition and either increase environmental N losses or cause corn yield penalty. Our objectives were to evaluate corn optimum nitrogen N requirement (EORN) in... A. Sadeghpour, M. Guzel, J. Mcgrath, O. Adeyemi, B. Arnall, O. Guzel

2. County-Level Phosphorus Balances for 2017 in Illinois

Cropland phosphorus (P) balances (manure and fertilizer P minus crop P removal) are great sustainability tools to assess long-term managements at farm, county, and state levels. Our objectives were to estimate county, regional, and state-level cropland P balances for Illinois in 2017. Based on the census data in 2017, Illinois county P balance ranged from -14.38 to 36 lb/acre/yr. Overall, Illinois had a negative P balance at about -3 lb/acre/yr. About 71% of counties, had a negative P balance,... X. Liu, S. Xu, A. Margenot, A. Sadeghpour, O. Zandvakili, M. Guzel