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N fixation in cover crop systems
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Conley, S.P
Francis, H
Gaska, J.M
Ruark, M
Ruark, M.D
Smith, D
Walters, A.M
West, J
Zegler, C
Zegler, C
N fixation in cover crop systems
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Nitrogen benefits when interseeding red clover into continuous corn

Information pertaining to the benefits of intereseeding cover crops is lacking. Red clover is a leguminous cover crop that can grow in low radiation environments, is winter hardy for much of the northern USA, and is a low cost weed suppressant that has been shown to provide a nitrogen credit and improve corn yield. While it is clear that red clover is a cover crop that can provide immediate economic benefits in grain-based cropping systems, the potential N credit and the effect of interseedin... H. Francis, M. Ruark, C. Zegler, D. Smith, J. West

2. Nitrogen Application, Biological N Fixation, and N Uptake

Previous collaborative research in the Midwest has shown that there is likely little to no need of N for soybean, except under certain conditions (such as when low soil moisture limits N fixation, or when low initial soil nitrate-N limits overall N availability). However, none of the site-years used in this synthesis analysis were on sandy soils. Because sandy soils supply little nitrate-N, the potential impact of N on crop yield is greater in sandy environments than on silt loam soils. Howev... A.M. Walters, M.D. Ruark, J.M. Gaska, C. Zegler, S.P. Conley