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Ahlersmeyer, A
Alghamdi, R
Below, F
Below, F
Cesario Pereira Pinto, J
Cihacek, L
Clark, J.D
Clay, D
Foxhoven, S
Morinigo, P
Mueller, N
Osterloh, K
Puntel, L
Ritchey, E
Ruiz Diaz, D
Ruiz Diaz, D
Rutter, B
Schwartz, S
Setchell, B
Thompson, L
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Filter results8 paper(s) found.

1. Site-Specific Yield and Protein Response to Nitrogen Rate and Timing in Winter Wheat

Nitrogen (N) fertilizer management is crucial in cereal crop production. Improved prediction of optimal N fertilizer rates for winter wheat can decrease N losses and enhance profits. We tested seven N fertilizer rates (0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, and 150 kg N ha-1) applied at three timings (Fall, Spring, and Split Fall/Spring) in seven small plot trials located in commercial fields... J. Cesario pereira pinto, L. Puntel, L. Thompson, N. Mueller

2. Banded Fertility: Music for Higher Corn Yields

There is a need in production agriculture to reduce nutrient loss to the environment and implement more sustainable production practices, but grower adoption has been slow and inconsistent due to fear of reduced yields and profit. However, if new fertilizer technologies can be used to increase nutrient use efficiency and grain yield simultaneously, grower willingness to adapt environmentally sustainable practices is far more likely. We implemented a two-year corn (Zea mays L.) yield ... S. Foxhoven, F. Below

3. Maize Yield Increased by Optimal Timing and Placement of Polymer-coated Nitrogen Fertilizer

Nitrogen (N) fertilizer application timing and placement can manage N availability to improve maize (Zea mays L.) productivity, but polymer-coated N fertilizer offers a different approach to season-long N availability and creates new N management opportunities. The objective of this study was to compare the effectiveness of conventional and polymer-coated N sources across fertilizer timing and placement combinations to optimize maize productivity. Field trials were conducted at three... S. Schwartz, F. Below

4. Implications of Clay Mineral Analysis for Improved Calibration of Corn Potassium Fertilizer Recommendations

Eastern South Dakota has seen an increase in soil potassium (K) deficiencies. To correct those deficiencies and avoid yield reductions, corn producers rely on accurate K fertilizer recommendations (KFRs). Among the various parameters used to estimate a KFR, clay mineralogy has significant potential to increase KFR accuracy. The study has two objectives: first, to determine the relationships among clay mineralogy, K uptake by corn, and KFRs, and second, to calibrate KFRs in South Dakota to inc... A. Ahlersmeyer, J. Clark, D. Clay, K. Osterloh

5. Effect of Liquid Calcium as a Liming Agent in Soil

Maintaining proper soil pH is the foundation of a soil fertility program and influences plant productivity, nutrient availability, and herbicide activity. This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of liquid calcium compared to known liming agents to raise the pH of soil. Test plots that compare liquid calcium to proven liming agents were conducted in 17 counties across the state of Kentucky on cool season annual grass pastures. Two experimental protocols were deve... B. Setchell, E. Ritchey

6. Soil Mineral Nitrogen Response to Nitrogen Fertilizer Application in Corn Early Growth Season

Soil Mineral Nitrogen (SMN) plays a crucial role for the growth and productivity of crops such as corn, this crop is very demanding of nitrogen (N) in early growth stages. Maintaining the highest amount of N in the form of ammonium (NH4+) or nitrate (NO3-) can be key to obtaining high yields. Substances such as nitrification inhibitors (NI) were created to avoid losses of N from the soil. This study was carried out in 8 site year loca... P. Morinigo, D. Ruiz diaz

7. Comparison of Mehlich-3 and Haney H3A-4 Soil Tests in Kansas Soils

Recommended application rates of soil fertility amendments are often based on a soil test in agricultural production systems. Interpretation of these soil tests requires correlation and calibration to crop yield response, nutrient uptake, or existing soil tests. The Mehlich-3 soil test procedure is currently used to evaluate the plant availability of phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) in Kansas soils. However, the Haney soil test has gained attention in recentyear and has been used to adjust so... B. Rutter, D. Ruiz diaz

8. Some Thoughts on Nutrient Mineralization and Cycling in No-Till Systems

High post-harvest residue accumulations (10+ tons/acre) often occur in crop sequences involving high yielding corn, spring wheat and soybean. Over the last decade, we have conducted several studies that show that N or P availability may be suppressed either through slow residue decomposition, slow mineralization or immobilization. Although several states provide fertilizer recommendation adjustments for no-till and for high residue accumulations, the recommendations  are sometimes contra... L. Cihacek, R. Alghamdi