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Ahlersmeyer, A
Bly, A
Camberato, J
Clark, J
Guilherme Cesario Pereira Pinto, J
Iqbal, J
Kaiser, D
Kovacs, P
Leverich-Nigon, L
Luck, J
Maharjan, B
Margenot, A
Mieno, T
Nielsen, R
Norquest, S
Puntel, L
Roa, G
Ruiz Diaz, D
Rutter, B
Salguero, D
Thompson, L
Uwineza, C
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Filter results6 paper(s) found.

1. Promoting Adoption of Precision Nitrogen Management Technologies Through On-farm Research

The Nebraska On-Farm Research Network helps farmers evaluate products and practices that impact the productivity, profitability, and sustainability of their operations. There are many technologies that have potential to increase nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) on corn and winter wheat but typically these technologies have low adoption. At the same time, farmers have technologies such as GPS, yield monitors, and variable-rate application equipment on their farmers that enables them to easily con... L. Thompson, L. Puntel, T. Mieno, J. Iqbal, B. Maharjan, J. Luck, S. Norquest, J. Guilherme cesario pereira pinto, C. Uwineza

2. Evaluation of Soil Test Potassium Guidelines in Minnesota

Changes in corn and soybean potassium guidelines in states in the Upper Midwest have resulted in questions from consultants and farmers as to how best to manage the nutrient. In Iowa, soil samples analyzed on a field moist basis have been suggested as a method to predict the amount of potassium required for corn and soybean production while in North Dakota the ratio of illite to smecite in soil samples is utilized to determine the appropriate critical level to determine where potassium fertil... D. Kaiser, L. Leverich-nigon

3. What Soil Measurements Relate Best to Corn Economic Optimal N Rate?

The use of nitrogen (N) fertilizer is critical for optimizing corn (Zea mays L.) yield. However, improper applications can reduce fertilizer efficiency, create environmental issues, and reduce grower profits. The N cycle is largely affected by biological processes. Therefore, the inclusion of biological soil tests alone or in combination with other soil chemical and physical properties may enable us to improve the accuracy of corn N fertilizer needs to optimize yield. From 2018-2021,... J. Clark, P. Kovacs, A. Bly, A. Ahlersmeyer

4. Updating Phosphorus Recommendations for Illinois

Illinois soil phosphorus (P) recommendations are outdated and make use of concepts such as soil P supply power are outdated. This 2022 Illinois State Report provides a summary and outlook on key considerations for P recommendations that may be instructive to other North Central states. ... A. Margenot

5. Corn Responses to Sulfur Fertilizer in Indiana

Corn yield increases in response to sulfur (S) applied as ammonium thiosulfate in liquid N (in sidedress and/or starter fertilizer applications) occurred in ~40% of 40 trials conducted between 2017 and 2021 and ranged from 4 to 24 bushels per acre on responsive sites. Increased grain yield with S fertilization occurred on soils ranging in texture from sandy loam to silty clay loam and soil organic matter concentrations from ~1 to 3%. Yield increases with S fertilization were not predicted by ... J. Camberato, D. Salguero, R. Nielsen

6. Evaluation of Plant Tissue Analysis to Assess Phosphorus Nutritional Status in Corn and Soybean

Plant phosphorus (P) tissue analysis can be used to identify the nutritional status and potential response to P fertilization. This study aimed to determine critical P tissue concentration at different growing stages for corn and soybean. The experiment was conducted across multiple corn and soybean locations in Kansas. Tissue samples were collected as whole plant V6 stage and ear leaf R1 stage in corn, whole plant V4 stage, and trifoliate R3 for soybean. Plant tissue samples were dried, grou... G. Roa, D. Ruiz diaz, B. Rutter